SST Hardware – Maatwerk software Enschede
SST Hardware – Maatwerk software Enschede
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Embedded software and firmware, what are the differences?

Firmware and embedded software are both forms of software used in embedded systems, but they have some important differences. Within SST we have experience with both, but we notice that both terms are sometimes used interchangeably. In this article we list the most important differences.

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Embedded software and firmware, what are the differences?

First of all, firmware; what is it actually?

Firmware is a specific form of software that is embedded in hardware components, such as microcontrollers, chips or devices. It is low-level software that is loaded directly into the hardware and provides basic functionality and control of the hardware. It provides an essential layer of instructions and data necessary for the correct functioning of the device in which it is installed.

So with firmware you can perform various tasks and functionalities. Some of these include: monitoring hardware, built-in diagnostics to detect problems, implementing security measures such as encryption, performing device updates for example bug fixes, supporting protocols for communicating with other devices or controlling built-in functions such as camera functions in a smartphone or automatic temperature control in an oven.

So what is embedded software?

Embedded software refers to any software used in embedded systems. This includes firmware, as well as higher level software applications that run on the embedded system to perform specific tasks. Embedded software is all around us and used in a wide range of devices and systems. Consider household appliances, cars, consumer electronics, industrial automation, medical devices, etc. These are just a few examples, but embedded software is used in almost every technological device, improving functionality and performance and performing automated tasks.

What is the place of both in a system?

What is the place of both in a system? Firmware is the operating system of the hardware components themselves. It is tightly integrated with the hardware and ensures the basic functionality and functioning of the device. Embedded software includes all software that runs on an embedded system, including both the firmware and any application software that functions at a higher level.

How do both differ in complexity?

Firmware is usually simpler and lightweight because it is specifically designed to control the hardware and perform essential tasks. Embedded software can vary in complexity depending on the application. It can perform simple tasks, similar to firmware, but it can also contain more advanced applications that provide specific functions to the user.

What other differences are there, for example in terms of updates or changes?

Firmware updates can be provided by the manufacturer and are usually implemented on the device through specific tools or programs. For example, firmware updates are intended to fix bugs, improve functionality or close security holes. Embedded software can also be updated, but updates can range from updating firmware to adding new features or replacing entire applications.

In short

Firmware is a specific category of embedded software responsible for controlling hardware components, while embedded software is a broader term that includes all software used in embedded systems, including firmware and higher level applications.

SST Hardware is happy to help you!

At SST we have years of experience in developing embedded software in the broadest sense of the word, including firmware for very specific applications. Would you like to discuss this with us or are you curious about the technical possibilities for you? Please contact us! We would be happy to discuss this with you to advise you on the best approach for you.

Rick Koenders

Rick Koenders is co-owner of SST Hardware. Read his blogs.

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